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SNS Simple Notification Service
Publish messages from an application and immediatly deliver
Publish Subscribe (pub-sub)
Push out messages
Instant no polling needed
Simple APIs

  • works on a publish – subscribe model, SNS notifies the message, and hence push based approach. Inexpensive pay as you go
  • CloudWatch or Autoscaling triggers SNS
  • SNS can notify to Email, Text / SMS, SQS or any HTTP end point.
  • protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, EMAIL, EMAIL-JSON, SQS or Application – messages can be customized for each protocol
  • SNS messages are stored redundantly to multiple AZs
  • SNS Dataformat – JSON (Subject, Message, TopicArn, MessageId, unsubscribeURL etc..)
  • $0.50 per 1 million SNS request
  • Different price for different recipient types
    • to HTTP: $0.06 / 100,000 notifications deliveries
    • to EMAIL: $2 / 100,000 notifications deliveries
    • to SMS: $0.75 / 100 notifications deliveries
    • (CreatePlatformEndpoint API)

For mobile registration – first register mobile APP to SNS then receive registration ID – then create endpoint.  Endpoint used by SNS

Sent to a topic and then replicated and pushed to multiple AWS SQS Queus, HTTP endpoints, or email addresses, allows for ASYNCHRONOUS!

SNS message body!!! – NO SUBJECT ID: only Type, MessageID, TopicARN, Subject, Message, Timestamp, Signature, SigningCertURL, UnsubscribeURL.

Name, type, and value must not be empty or null same for message body!

SNS topic limit to number of characters 256

Once a message is published in SNS it cannot be recalled or deleted

Subscription request remain valid for 3 days

SNS guarantees that each message is delivered to AWS SQS at least once

SNS sends JSON messages to endpoints

Call the CreatePlatformEndpoint API function to register multiple device tokens

MessageID = universally unique identifier

10 million subscriptions per topic, 100,000 topics per account

NO limit to max length of topic name

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