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AWS CloudFront

CDN = Content Delivery Network – a system of distributed servers that deliver web pages and other web content to a user based on the geo location of the user.
You can clear cached objects but you are charged for it

  • Content Delivery Network – edge locations, reduced latency, traffic serves from the closest nodes
  • Edge locations – content will be cached (over 50), different from region / AZ. TTL (speed of image // media is quicker – first user suffers the performance), can be not only read only (you can write it)
  • Origin can be – S3, EC2, ELB, Route53 also NON AWS origin server ,
  • Distribution – name given to the CDN consist of collection of Edge locations
  • CDN use for Web Distribution or/and RTMP (media streaming / flash) Distribution – for Adobe flash files only
  • you can have multiple origins of a distribution using Path Pattern (*)
  • Restrict viewer access by signed URL or Signed Cookies
  • Restrict content based on geo location (whitelist and blacklist)
  • Create invalidate – invalidate TTL (you pay for it) like purge in Akamai
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