Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access (S3 One Zone-IA) S3 One Zone-IA is for data that…
AWS DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB is a fast and flexible NoSQL database service for all applications that need consistent, single-digit millisecond latency at any scale. It is a fully managed cloud database and supports both document and key-value store models. Its flexible data model, reliable performance, and automatic scaling of throughput capacity, makes it a great fit for mobile, web, gaming, ad tech, IoT, and many other applications.
Stored on SSD storage
Spread across 3 geographical data centers
Eventually Consistent Reads (Default) consistency across all copies of data usually reached within a second. Best read performance but read might not reflect the results of a recently completed write. Repeating a read after a short time should return updated data.
Strongly Consistent Reads returns a result that reflects all writes that received a successful response prior to the read.
Primary key use MANY to FEW principle
Atomic counter allows all write requests to be applied in the order they are received by incrementing or decrementing the attribute value
256 tables per region
Global secondary index different partition key and sortkey – local secondary index same partition key
Total secondary indexes allowed per table = 10 | 5 local and 5 global – YOU cannot increase secondary indexes in a region!!!!
Conditional writes help clients coordinate writes to data – PutItem, deleteItem, and UpdateItem – only if attribute meet one or more of the expected conditions otherwise it returns an error
You can add a Global Secondary index at anytime!
Datatypes that can be indexed – string, number, boolean
Index cannot be modified once created
MAX collection size 10 GB
Smallest reserved capacity 100 Units
Item max size 400KB
APIs available – CreateTable, UpdateTable, UpdateItem
You can export to CSV
- fast – flexible No sql database – single digit ms latency, fully managed, supports document and key-value (web, gaming, ad-tech, IOT)..
- Table, Item (row), attribute (key – value)
- Eventual Consistent Reads vs Strongly Consistent Reads
- Read Capacity Units, Write Capacity Units (can be scaled up) – push button scalability
- Writes are written to 3 different location / facilities/ datacenter (synchronous) – Amazon DynamoDB synchronously replicates data across three facilities in an AWS Region, giving you high availability and data durability.
- Two types of primary key –
- (1) Single Attribute (think unique id) – Partition Key (Hash Key) composted of 1 attribute (no nesting allowed here) – Partition key will help determine the physical location of data.
- (2) Composite key (think unique id and range) – Partition Key(Hash Key) & Sort Key (Range key – e.g date) – composed of 2 attributes – if two data have same partition key (same location) it must have a different sort key, and they will be stored together on single location.
- Secondary Indexes
- (1) Local Secondary Index – Same Partion Key + Different Sort Key ( can only be created while creating the table, cannot be added/removed or modified later)
- (2) Global Secondary Index – Different Partition Key + Different Sort Key ( can be created during the table creation or can be added later or removed / modified later)
- DynamoDB Streams– use to capture any kinda modification to the dynamo db table, Lambda can capture events and push notifications thru SES
- Table can be exported to csv (either select all items )
- Query vs Scan
- Query operation finds item in a table using only primary key attribute values , must provide partition attribute name and the value to search for, you can optionally provide a sort key attribute name and value to refine search results (e.g. all the forums with this ID since last 7 days). By default Query returns all the data attributes for those items with specified primary keys. You can further use ProjectionExpression parameter to only return a selected attributes.
- Query results are always sorted by the sort key (ascending for both numbers and string by default). To reverse the sort order set the ScanIndexForward parameter to false
- By Default Queries are going to be Eventually consistent but can be changed to StronglyConsistent.
- Scan operation is basically examines every item – e.g. dumping the entire table, by default Scan returns all the data attributes but we could use ProjectionExpression parameter to only return a selected attributes.
- Query operation is more efficient than scan operation
- For quick response time design your table in a way that you can use Query Get or BatchGetItem API (read multiple items – can get upto 100 items or up to 1MB of data) ,
- Alternatively design your application to use scan operation in a way that minimize impact of your table’s request rate since it can use up the entire table’s provisioned throughput in a single scan operation
DynamoDB Provisioned Throughput calculations:
Items == rows
Read Provisioned Throughput
- All units are rounded up to 4KB increments
- Eventual Consistent reads (default) consist of 2 reads per second
- Strongly Consistent reads consist of 1 read per second
( Size of Read Rounded to nearest 4KB Chunk / 4 KB * no of items ) / 2 <— if eventual consistency
( Size of Read Rounded to nearest 4KB Chunk / 4 KB * no of items ) / 1 <— if strongly consistency
Write Provisioned Throughput
- All units are rounded up to 1KB increments
- All writes consist of 1 write per second
( Size of write in KB * no of items ) / 1
- When you exceed your maximum allowed provisioned throughput for a table or one or more global secondary index you will get 400 HTTP Status code – ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
- AssumeRolewithWebIdentity role
- Idempotent conditional write
- Atomic counters – always need to increment so its not idempotent
- if data is critical and no margin of error then must use Idempotent conditional write.
- Only Tables(256 table per region) and ProvisionedThroughput(80 K read, 80K write per account for US east, 20K for other regions) limits can be increased
- (Reduce Page Size for Scan operation and Isolate Scan Operation)
- updatetable doesn’t consume capacity
- Query an item by it’s primary hash key = GetItem
- Use eventually consistent reads unless otherwise specified
- Uses optimistic concurrency control – writes are protected
- Doesn’t support cross join tables
- Local secondary index has same has key as the table but different range key
- Conditional write operation succeeds only if the item attribute meets one or more expected conditions. Only written if that attribute has not changed since it was read.
- Items can have any number of attributes
- Limits that can be raised – tables per account (256 per region), provisioned throughput.
- ProvisionedThroughPutExceededException – exceeding your capacity on the main index key or hash key.
- Minimize the impact of a scan on a table provisioned throughput = set smaller page size for the scan. REDUCE PAGE SIZE
- BatchGetItem – retrieval of multiple items
- Conditional operations can be used!!
- Logical operators – Not, Or, And
- APIs available – createtable, deletetable, listtable, updatetable, describetable
- Max items for BatchGetItem API = 100
- Total size of all items cannot exceed 16MB
- Scan max limit to 1MB per call
- conditional writes an operation only succeeds if the item attribute meets one or more expected conditions
- Expressions are used as part of Query API call to filter results based on values of primary keys or on a table using KeyConditionExpression parameter
- No practical limit on table size
- Error ItemCollectionSizeLimitExcedded Exception – size of a group of items with the same partition key value has exceeded 10 GB
- Optimistic concurrency control uses conditional writes for consistency
- Hash key consists of a single attribute that uniquely identifies an item
- Hash and range key consists of two attributes that together uniquely identify an item
- Local secondary index has same hash key as the table but different range key